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Become an Employment Partner

Healing Your Community Through Employment.

We know that for many of our members, work can feel like an overwhelming challenge, compounded by the fact that mental illness chips away at our self-confidence and esteem. That's why employment is one of the fundamental building blocks of the Clubhouse — we strive to give every person who wants it a chance to work in the community.


As members begin to grow confidence in themselves, they can channel that renewed sense of purpose into meaningful employment. As our partner in employment opportunities, you can be part of that success story, where members regain that feeling of making a valuable contribution to our society.

Capital Clubhouse offers unique support for members to bridge the employment gap. Through Transitional Employment Placements (TEP), Clubhouse partners with various businesses who are seeking dedicated, committed, hard-working employees.


Our TEP partners commit one or more existing entry-level positions for Clubhouse Members — they are real, paid job opportunities designed to help members return to work. TEP placements are part-time (15-20 hours per week) and typically last from six to nine months. During a placement, members receive consistent support from Clubhouse staff.

Proven results.

A stepping stone to success

TE is a highly structured vocational rehabilitation program for members returning to work in community-based business and industry.

Your commitment is:


  • 10-20 hours a week, for a period lasting between six to nine months.

  • A dedicated place of business

  • Paid wage


We will provide on- and off-site support from Clubhouse staff and members, such as job-specific training, coaching, and more.


What We Guarantee


  • 100% job coverage / no absenteeism

  • We will meet or exceed your quality and productivity standards.

  • Clubhouse members do not require employer health coverage, vacation, or sick time.

  • Employees are pre-screened and trained by our placement managers in partnership with your staff.

  • Long-term liaison to ensure the success of placements.

  • Employees who are hardworking and excited to contribute their strengths, talents, and abilities

Learn more

For all questions or to schedule a meeting, contact our employment specialist Nykos Padula


Top partners in the
clubhouse network:
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1517 18th Street NW, Fourth Floor

Washington, DC 20036


Phone: 202-308-9690 and 202-817-9042

Capital Clubhouse Inc. is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization.

CFC#  47097


HOURS of Operation MONDAY - FRIDAY, 8:30 AM - 3:00 PM.

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