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Employment Dinners


Each month, we invite hiring managers, local training programs, employment specialists and fellow Clubhouses to speak with members about all facets of getting back to work. 


Employment Dinners are intended to motivate and inspire members and staff that re-joining the workforce or educational system IS possible. 

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The model works! 

We are looking for speakers to join us for our future Employment Dinners! Contact us if you are interested in being a part of this great event. 

Support Capital Clubhouse Today!

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1517 18th Street NW, Fourth Floor

Washington, DC 20036


Phone: 202-308-9690 and 202-817-9042

Capital Clubhouse Inc. is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization.

CFC#  47097


HOURS of Operation MONDAY - FRIDAY, 8:30 AM - 3:00 PM.

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